Panos Eliades Callender & Co

Why should I choose Panos Eliades Callender & Co over any other insolvency practice?

Panos Eliades Callender & Co is a totally independent licensed insolvency practice. We are frank and open with our clients from the first meeting, which is absolutely free and without obligation. Our objective is to save businesses wherever possible and to support our clients should insolvency procedures be necessary. Our clients are assured that their affairs are in the hands of experienced professionals every step of the way.

If I am going through financial difficulties, how can I afford your fees?

There are several ways in which our fees can be paid – remember, initial meetings with clients are free and with no obligation. At that initial meeting, the question of fees will be discussed.

Who will I meet at Panos Eliades Callender & Co?

Your affairs will be handled by one of our insolvency professionals.

Will my financial problems become public knowledge?

Panos Eliades Callender & Co does not talk to the press, furthermore, we recognise the importance of client confidentiality and maintain this at all times.

Which area do you cover?

Panos Eliades Callender & Co is prepared to take appointments anywhere in the country and the first consultation is free, wherever it is held.